
Josh Clow

Software is a human craft

Short-form posts

April 27, 2020

I’m finding that I keep trying to write long-form posts, and in the process, I’m finding ten new things I want to tweak in the blog code each time (especially since these tend to be programming-centric topics and there’s a bunch of stuff in how I’m currently set up that’s simply not making that kind of writing easy).

So in an attempt to make sure I keep writing, I’ll do some shorter posts too, not all of which will be programming focused.

So during my job search, I talked to a ton of people. Some of the time, these conversations were great. Sometimes they were…less great.

In one of my interviews, I asked a couple people on the loop a fairly softball question: on what dimensions do you think your company could stand to improve its diversity? The answers I got back from this were pretty stunningly bad? One response was something I had difficulty following but really seemed to interpret my question as ”why don’t you use a bigger set of programming languages?” and I don’t really know how that person made that leap. The other answer in that loop was a rather defensive response that there were lots of women working there already. Again, not the question I asked.

I did not get an offer from this loop.